The Life Hack For Happy

Life Hack For 'Happy'
If you’ve been feeling stuck, or down, or just kinda feeling like your life has been less than what you’ve desired, I want to share a life hack with you….
Psalm 1:1-3 shares a 3 step plan for embracing a life that is BLESSED by God.
It’s pretty simple, but it’s not necessarily easy:
“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” -Psalm 1:1-3
Here's the 3 Step Plan:
1. Don’t ALIGN your life with those who are wicked.
(The word wicked here, is the Hebrew transliterated word, ‘rasha’, and it means one who is hostile toward God). Don’t walk with those who are hostile toward God, and do not stand with those who oppose the goodness of God. This scripture IS NOT saying that you should not love those who oppose God! You can and should love ALL people, but don’t ALIGN your heart, your thoughts, or your life with those who are HOSTILE toward God. Genuinely love them, pray for them, but I warn you…. do NOT partner with an 'anti-Christ' spirit IF you expect the blessing of God in your life (2 Corinthians 6:14).
2. Don’t sit at the table of mockers or scorners!
There will be PLENTY of opportunities for you to sit with people who are offended, bitter and negative. I’ve been with people who are so negative that sometimes I feel like I need a shower after being in their presence. The word for scorner is the Hebrew transliterated word ‘luwts’ and it means to be inflated, to scoff, to act as a scorner. At the core of one who scorns, is an inflated arrogance and pride (which in my opinion is the most dangerous of deceptive sins). A scorner will always operate in a critical spirit that refuses to have the vision to see BEYOND what’s in front of them. It’s the exact opposite of faith and it is tremendously toxic to the grace of God at work within your life. A critical spirit will almost always manifest into gossiping that becomes deceptive and divisive! Proverbs 6:16-19 outlines 7 things that God finds detestable, and finishing the list (implying the most abominable thing) is "one who sows discord among brothers." A critical spirit sows discord and it if you listen to the voice of the mocker, it can destroy your life and the plan of God for your life! When you are in a circumstance in which you find yourself sitting at a table full of mockers and scorners…. It’s simple. Get up and GET OUT! It’s one of those situations where the people in your life are going to cause you to sin, run for your life! (Matthew 18:9). Don’t expect it to be easy, and don’t assume that YOU will not become the object of mockery… but the blessing of God is far superior to the approval of people (especially small visioned and empty living people).
3. DO - DELIGHT in the Word and communion of God!
I love the promise in this passage;
“but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” - Psalm 1:2-3
Wow - the person who ABIDES in the Word and in relationship with God will be fruitful (and BLESSED) in EVERY season! Fruit in WINTER? Yes! No matter what your circumstance is, if you are attached to the vine - your life will be heavy with the goodness of God!
Meditate on God’s word, let it be like the water you bathe in daily.
Ephesians 5:26 says that we are made holy by the washing of the water of the word! Get in the Word, stay in the Word. Then you will have the discernment to know what is right and what is acceptable to God. You will have wisdom and you will not be swept away by the loud voices of deception surrounding you. If you want the blessing of God in your life, hear God’s instructions:
“remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” -John 15:7
That sounds like a pretty sweet deal, and I can tell you from experience… there is nothing greater!
Ask God today for help to do these three things.
Ask yourself honestly, “have I been in alignment with those who oppose God, have I been sitting at the table of mockers and scorners?” If you have, repent and ask God for forgiveness. Today, when you hear His Spirit speaking, do not harden your heart. God will never refuse a humble and contrite heart, He is waiting for you to draw near to Him! God will always move toward those who humble themselves before Him, but He passes over those who exalt themselves (especially against Him, James 4:6).
Next, sincerely ask God for a greater desire and ability to understand His Word.
My prayer for you today is that you would find and walk into the LIFE TO THE FULL that Jesus came to earth to give to you! It begins with the confession of your need for God. If you want to make the first step to having a relationship with God, sincerely pray this prayer:
Prayer to Receive Jesus
Heavenly Father, I believe that You are God and that You are who You say You are! You are gracious and kind, You are good and merciful! You are not an absent or angry Father, You are the Father who made a way for me - even when I wandered far away! I understand that my sin has separated me from Your goodness. My sin has blinded me from the knowledge of my need for you. Today God, I confess that I DO need You! I ask that You would come and rescue me from eternal separation from You. Lord, I confess that I WANT to know You and be transformed into the person who You’ve always intended me to be. I will stop doing life my own way and on my own terms, and I choose to follow Your better way! Help me to do this. Change my heart! Give me the desire to know You and be like You, and make my life eternally blessed and valuable. I accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I believe that His perfect life, death, and resurrection has made atonement for my sin and separation from You. I believe that because Jesus died for me, I can live a life with you forever… and that life begins today, in Jesus Name! Amen!
(If you've prayed this prayer today, I want to encourage you to click this link and fill out the form below. Your information will not be shared with anyone, it will be sent to a group of pastors who are committed to praying for you and getting you started on your journey of faith with Jesus.)
Psalm 1:1-3 shares a 3 step plan for embracing a life that is BLESSED by God.
It’s pretty simple, but it’s not necessarily easy:
“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” -Psalm 1:1-3
Here's the 3 Step Plan:
1. Don’t ALIGN your life with those who are wicked.
(The word wicked here, is the Hebrew transliterated word, ‘rasha’, and it means one who is hostile toward God). Don’t walk with those who are hostile toward God, and do not stand with those who oppose the goodness of God. This scripture IS NOT saying that you should not love those who oppose God! You can and should love ALL people, but don’t ALIGN your heart, your thoughts, or your life with those who are HOSTILE toward God. Genuinely love them, pray for them, but I warn you…. do NOT partner with an 'anti-Christ' spirit IF you expect the blessing of God in your life (2 Corinthians 6:14).
2. Don’t sit at the table of mockers or scorners!
There will be PLENTY of opportunities for you to sit with people who are offended, bitter and negative. I’ve been with people who are so negative that sometimes I feel like I need a shower after being in their presence. The word for scorner is the Hebrew transliterated word ‘luwts’ and it means to be inflated, to scoff, to act as a scorner. At the core of one who scorns, is an inflated arrogance and pride (which in my opinion is the most dangerous of deceptive sins). A scorner will always operate in a critical spirit that refuses to have the vision to see BEYOND what’s in front of them. It’s the exact opposite of faith and it is tremendously toxic to the grace of God at work within your life. A critical spirit will almost always manifest into gossiping that becomes deceptive and divisive! Proverbs 6:16-19 outlines 7 things that God finds detestable, and finishing the list (implying the most abominable thing) is "one who sows discord among brothers." A critical spirit sows discord and it if you listen to the voice of the mocker, it can destroy your life and the plan of God for your life! When you are in a circumstance in which you find yourself sitting at a table full of mockers and scorners…. It’s simple. Get up and GET OUT! It’s one of those situations where the people in your life are going to cause you to sin, run for your life! (Matthew 18:9). Don’t expect it to be easy, and don’t assume that YOU will not become the object of mockery… but the blessing of God is far superior to the approval of people (especially small visioned and empty living people).
3. DO - DELIGHT in the Word and communion of God!
I love the promise in this passage;
“but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” - Psalm 1:2-3
Wow - the person who ABIDES in the Word and in relationship with God will be fruitful (and BLESSED) in EVERY season! Fruit in WINTER? Yes! No matter what your circumstance is, if you are attached to the vine - your life will be heavy with the goodness of God!
Meditate on God’s word, let it be like the water you bathe in daily.
Ephesians 5:26 says that we are made holy by the washing of the water of the word! Get in the Word, stay in the Word. Then you will have the discernment to know what is right and what is acceptable to God. You will have wisdom and you will not be swept away by the loud voices of deception surrounding you. If you want the blessing of God in your life, hear God’s instructions:
“remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” -John 15:7
That sounds like a pretty sweet deal, and I can tell you from experience… there is nothing greater!
Ask God today for help to do these three things.
Ask yourself honestly, “have I been in alignment with those who oppose God, have I been sitting at the table of mockers and scorners?” If you have, repent and ask God for forgiveness. Today, when you hear His Spirit speaking, do not harden your heart. God will never refuse a humble and contrite heart, He is waiting for you to draw near to Him! God will always move toward those who humble themselves before Him, but He passes over those who exalt themselves (especially against Him, James 4:6).
Next, sincerely ask God for a greater desire and ability to understand His Word.
My prayer for you today is that you would find and walk into the LIFE TO THE FULL that Jesus came to earth to give to you! It begins with the confession of your need for God. If you want to make the first step to having a relationship with God, sincerely pray this prayer:
Prayer to Receive Jesus
Heavenly Father, I believe that You are God and that You are who You say You are! You are gracious and kind, You are good and merciful! You are not an absent or angry Father, You are the Father who made a way for me - even when I wandered far away! I understand that my sin has separated me from Your goodness. My sin has blinded me from the knowledge of my need for you. Today God, I confess that I DO need You! I ask that You would come and rescue me from eternal separation from You. Lord, I confess that I WANT to know You and be transformed into the person who You’ve always intended me to be. I will stop doing life my own way and on my own terms, and I choose to follow Your better way! Help me to do this. Change my heart! Give me the desire to know You and be like You, and make my life eternally blessed and valuable. I accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I believe that His perfect life, death, and resurrection has made atonement for my sin and separation from You. I believe that because Jesus died for me, I can live a life with you forever… and that life begins today, in Jesus Name! Amen!
(If you've prayed this prayer today, I want to encourage you to click this link and fill out the form below. Your information will not be shared with anyone, it will be sent to a group of pastors who are committed to praying for you and getting you started on your journey of faith with Jesus.)